We know every student is different, which is why Taylion provides three pathways to help students define and reach their unique academic and life goals. Students meet with a counselor as part of their enrollment process to discuss the three pathways and programs, creating a plan for success together.
Pathways & Programs

Our Pathways
Our open enrollment and year-round structure allow students to enroll at any time to receive the support they need. Students enrolled at Taylion can complete these pathways through any of our learning programs.
Credit Recovery
Students seeking to make up or obtain extra credits to stay on track for graduation will complete a carefully crafted path with the support of a dedicated academic team. Our open enrollment and year-round structure allow students to enroll at any time.
Accelerated Learning
Students who want to earn accelerated credits, pursue college, or explore a career after high school can take challenging courses and electives through Taylion in preparation for post-secondary success. Students can dual-enroll with community colleges while taking our courses.
Adult Education
This pathway is tailored to students aged 18-24 who have a gap in their education but still wish to receive a high school diploma. Students enrolled in this path benefit from community partnerships and can engage in career training to be successful.
Our Programs
Our online model guides students through their learning with engaging, diverse content. A flexible schedule and parent resources ensure each student attains their academic goals and are empowered through regular communication with educational professionals
How does it work?
With a dedicated academic instructor, learning coach, and counselor, Taylion provides the support for our online students to succeed at every step of their journey. Students are assigned math and English courses from our catalog and can choose from an array of engaging electives.
- Students complete robust coursework online, supported with immersive multimedia such as videos, simulations, and other interactives
- Instructors maintain clear communication with students and host synchronous, live sessions for added support.
- Communication is maintained on a regular basis through phone, email, virtual meetings, instant messages, and more!
- For students without Internet access, coursework will be made accessible or Chromebooks made available.
- Lesson plans are free for families enrolled at our schools.
Independent Study
Our independent study model supports students who enjoy the flexibility of working at their own pace, while also providing in person small group and one-on-one instruction as needed. Whether students are at, above, or below grade level, dedicated teachers meet with students twice a week, ensuring success as students take control of their learning.
- Counselors assign 2 classes for students to complete every 6 weeks. As the paths are design to fit individual needs, more classes can be added to the schedule as desired.
- Students complete coursework online, or coursework can be made available.
- Teachers meet face to face with students twice a week for a minimum of 1 hour to provide guidance and support.
- Teachers remain in frequent contact with families and students to support learning, answer questions, and keep everyone informed.
Our homeschool program includes free curriculum, lesson plans, support groups, and regular socialization activities to help students in grades K-6 successfully complete their educational goals. Parents get more say in their child’s education with one of our teachers being available to meet at least once a month to discuss a student’s progress.
- Students complete 6 subjects or courses throughout the semester.
- A credentialed Taylion facilitator provides academic support, supplies parents with curriculum, lesson plans, and regularly communicates socialization activities.
- On a weekly basis, students and families connect with a facilitator who monitors course progress and provides support.