After completing elementary school, students typically begin their middle school education in the seventh grade. During this stage of education, children begin to take control of their studies and find new interests.
In the United States, 7th graders study math concepts such as exponents, rounding, place value, and metrics; basic algebra, including ratios and proportions; graphing concepts; order of operations concepts; and probability theory.
Students in our 7th-grade online school take both social studies and history courses. They also take language arts courses, where they learn about themes, citing textual evidence, characterization, figurative language, and compare and contrast. In English, they compose narratives, research reports, and essays.
Additionally, your child can engage in an array of enjoyable interactive games, activities, and challenges that are essential for their 7th-grade learning. These will likely be their favorite parts of the experience and serve to teach them something new every day.
To provide education to seventh graders in California, our online school employs certified teachers recognized by the state for delivering instruction. These schools can be an excellent option for families who desire more flexibility than what traditional public schools provide.
These 7th-grade classes are taught by amazing teachers in the industry who really care about each and every student. We want to help your child achieve their dreams with our 7th grade online classes free!